Message in a Mustapha Bottle

Happy New Year guys. I’ve been in 2012 for a couple of days now, and hopefully the rest of you have now joined me. No signs of Nostradamus’ comet yet (the Mayan apocalyse is December – phew, it’s a big year) but if it hits, I’ll try to post to warn you all, since I’m in the future. It won’t do you any good unless you have a rocket to the moon, but you’ll have time to kiss your kids and post to those living in the past to you, like you are all to me. The Canadians should have a long time for goodbyes since they seem to be the people most in the past. Since Ooshka and AoifeNZ don’t have LJ’s, but live even further in the future than me, I do hope they post anonymously here to tell me of the comet, and give me a couple hours warning.  😀

So this is another post speculating on the new book, Deadlocked. Note the key word SPECULATING. Once I do all my speculating, I’ll get back to what I polled you all and what you wanted. But at the moment, this stuff just consumes me. For those of you who don’t like spoilers from the new books (I’m telling you about the comet, “I don’t want to know” be damned) I’ve got another tag on for all my deadlocked spoilery posts. It is you just got deadlocked.

If you see that tag, read beyond the cut at your own risk. I am a spoiler addict. Continue reading